August 10, 2015

Back to School Countdown {Repost}

I won't start this post by saying, "I can't believe school starts one week from tomorrow for us!" but I will say this summer is a bit of a blur!  So many great memories, carefree days, and fun times, but now it's time to move on to a new chapter- SCHOOL TIME!

Back to School Countdown {A Recycled Advent Calendar} @ Blissful Roots

I shared my back to school countdown last year.  But I wanted to update the look a bit, and add some new activities. My boys ALWAYS have the first day jitters, so I like to make the days up to the first day as fun and exciting as possible, and a countdown is the perfect way to do it. 

You can click on the link above for more tips on making the countdown calendar, but basically I just dress up a toilet paper roll, and then put a little treat and activity inside the roll each day.  We countdown the week before school, so like  I said we'll be starting tomorrow!

The link above also has a list of activities we do in our countdown.  This year I'm adding a few new ones.

Back to school Mad Libs (tune in tomorrow for some great links on that)
Make a back to school Rainbow Loom bracelet
Take a quiz about last year's school year

You can do anything you'd like for your countdown.  Personalize it for your kids, and make it fun.  That first day can be a bit nerve-racking and overwhelming.

Thanks so much for stopping by!  I hope you found a little something worth your time.

Linking up to these parties & Savvy Southern Style.

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