Well, he's here, he's still nameless, and every other boy (including my husband) in our house has the stomach flu. It's been quite the past few days! But this little guy has been nothing but sweetness! Sure I've lost some restful sleeping hours, but I'm just relishing every waking minute I have with him for now, because I know this tiny stage of life will be gone in the blink of an eye.
I'll be learning how to blend blogging life with a newborn over these next few weeks, so posts may be few and far between, or you may see a few reposts. But I really do love blogging. It gives me a creative out/distraction when I get bombarded with everyday life, so I won't disappear completely.
In addition to this precious little boy, I have a picture of what I was working on when my water broke Friday evening. Now every year when I pull this out, I'll be reminded of baby boy number four.
Desiree from The 36th Avenue shared this idea awhile back, and I've been wanting to try it ever since! This year I finally got around to stocking up on dollar store houses for my haunted village.
I found some actual haunted houses at Dollar Tree several weeks ago, but now is the time to snag all the Christmas village items that are popping up on the shelves. They look quite wintry, but when you add a coat of black paint, some glitter, and embellishments, you've got your self a perfectly spooky town!
I'll be seeing you around when I can. You can follow me on Instagram from more frequent updates/photos of this new little guy.
Thanks so much for stopping by! I hope you found a little something worth your time.
Linking up to these parties & Savvy Southern Style.