
December 4, 2013

Crushed Candy Cane Sugar Cookies

My mom has made these cookies for as long as I can remember, and my holiday season is never complete until we've made a batch and I've eaten far more than I should.

Crushed Candy Cane Sugar Cookies from Blissful Roots

I usually use the Kneader's sugar cookie recipe for all my sugar cookie needs (hey, that's not a bad pun), but that recipe has hints of lemon, honey, and nutmeg.  I'm not sure how that would pair with the peppermint (I should try once, it might be delicious), so I stick to my mom's good old Betty Crocker recipe for these particular cookies.  I don't want anything to take away from the crushed candy cane flavor.  A basic sugar cookie and plain vanilla frosting are all you need once the crushed candy canes have been added on top. 

Crushed Candy Cane Sugar Cookies from Blissful Roots

 I even just use a store-bought tub of vanilla frosting (which I hardly ever do) because the candy canes do all the talking in these cookies.  I'm thinking you could even add a bit of peppermint extract to the dough or frosting, but I haven't ever tried it.  I hate to experiment on what I think is perfection, but I just might be missing out.  If you try it, let me know how it turns out. 

Crushed Candy Cane Sugar Cookies from Blissful Roots

Crushed Candy Cane Sugar Cookies
1 tub vanilla frosting
crushed candy canes

Make and bake cookies according to directions.  Allow to cool.  Frost, and top with crushed candy canes.

Crushed Candy Cane Sugar Cookies from Blissful Roots

My mom used to make these as star cookies all of the time when we were little, and they always looked beautiful!  I like the candy canes, but they are a bit small to frost.  And actually, this last time my mom just made some circle cookies and they were super speedy to frost and looked just a gorgeous!  Any size or shape to your liking will work.  I just had the thought of tiny bite-sized circle cookies with a bit of the frosting and crushed candy cause on top would be so, so cute for a neighbor gift, party, or any occasion.

Crushed Candy Cane Sugar Cookies from Blissful Roots

Pardon the overload of pictures.  It was way too easy to get a lot of fun shots of these cookies (why can't that happen every time I take pictures?) and I couldn't pick just one or two.  Don't you love peppermint and red and white?

Crushed Candy Cane Sugar Cookies from Blissful Roots

What are your favorite Christmas cookies?  Do you have some you make every year?  Or do you try something new?

Thanks so much for stopping by!  I hope you found a little something worth your time.

Linking up to these parties & Savvy Southern Style.
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  1. These are so much fun Brooke! I've added these cookies to my Peppermint roundup for next week - thank you!

    1. Hey, Trish! Thanks for visiting, and for adding these to your roundup. I can't wait to visit next week and see all the peppermint ideas!

  2. Replies
    1. Thanks, Cathy! Yum is the best word I can use to describe your entire site! You have the BEST recipes! Have a wonderful day!

  3. YUM, they look as beautiful as they look good!!!

  4. Holy candy canes these look amazing!! I love this idea, so pretty, and I bet they taste great. Featuring you on FB today ;)


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