
September 20, 2013

My New Old iPhone

I'm not too techie.  My husband is all techie!  He's been researching and making spreadsheets (that's not a lie) for the past few weeks.  He's looking to get the new iPhone 5s, and we're looking at switching providers.  It kills him to not get the best possible deal out there. 


Anyway, for the first time in my life, I will own an iPhone.  My husband's old phone will be my new iPhone.   I'm quite excited!  I do wish it was white, not black, but other than that I have no complaints.

I'm most excited about the camera.  I haven't been on Instagram before, and I miss a lot of photo opportunities with my boys because I don't have a camera on me.  I can't wait to get some fun photo apps, and go to town. 
So, what's your favorite thing about your iPhone? 

Thanks so much for stopping by!  I hope you found a little something worth your time. 

Have a fantastic weekend!  
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  1. iPhones are wonderful, Brooke. I just wish the basic monthly bill wasn't so high. I have a 4S, but I'm no rush to upgrade. I am going to dive into OS7 soon. Enjoy!

    1. I'm already finding cute things to "decorate" my iPhone with. I've found some cute wallpapers, and cases. It will definitely look different from when my husband had it. Thanks so much for visiting, Marianne! Come back anytime!

  2. you'll love it! my husband just got all excited about the *new* os7's pretty cool!-aimee

    1. Your husband sounds exactly like mine. I'm glad he's quick to learn and catch on to everything. Then he can teach me all he knows. I'm so excited to get my phone all set up. My husband ordered his new phone, and it won't be here until Thursday. That means I have to wait a few more days. It's killing me! So glad you stopped by, Aimee! Have a wonderful day!

  3. My iPhone 5 is been around months already and i still loving it. Even though Apple release two new phone I'll stick to my iPhone 5. Thanks for sharing.


Your comments brighten my day! I know it takes time, and I sure appreciate you taking the time to do it!