June 10, 2013

DIY Bug Jar Caddy {At Or So She Says}

Happy Monday to you!  I'm over at Or So She Says with a DIY bug jar caddy.  I have three young boys, so summertime means bugs!  Click here to see my whole post and get the how to on the caddy. 

Thanks so much for stopping by! Hope you found a little something worth your time.

Linking up to these parties & Savvy Southern Style.

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  1. Replies
    1. Thanks so much, Angela! I'm on my way over to HickoryTrail right now. We'll see you around.

  2. Awesome! My two year old came home from Grandpa's today telling me "I found a woodbug..." I know there will be a whole lot more bugs in my future this summer. The caddy is too cute!! I am going to hop over and read more about it!

    1. Just wait, Krista! The treasures and collections of little boys are strange to me, but so adorable! Not only do we have bug collections, but rock collections, stick collections, even a cactus collection. I love being a mom to little boys! Thanks so much for visiting. Come back anytime!

  3. haha, what a good idea for boys! Thank you so much for sharing at Give Me The Goods Monday!
    Jamie @ Better With Age

    1. Hey, Jamie! It's been a lifesaver for me (as silly as that sounds). My boys love everything creepy and crawly! Thanks so much for stopping by. Have a great day!

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