May 23, 2013

Tender Lullabies (Perfect Baby Shower Gift)

My mom gave me this CD when my twins were born.  That was almost seven years ago.  We still have it, and listen to it every night. 

Looking back on those early, sleepless days of newborn twins, I'm not sure if I played these lullabies to calm them, or me.  Probably more for me then, but these days it's my boys who can't fall asleep without them.  All three of my boys share a room right now, which you might think is a bit rowdy at bedtime, but when the lights go out and the lullabies are turned on, its amazingly calm. 

Some of my favorite songs on the CD are Twinkle, Twinkle Little Star, Hush, Little Baby, Brahms' Lullaby, and Rock-A-Bye-Baby.  Every song is so sweet, calming, and peaceful!  You can hear a sample of the CD, by clicking here


Not only do I use this CD at night for my boys, but I also use it in the car from time to time.  When my three-year-old is cranky in the car, but can't settle down, I'll put this on and it calms him right down.  Don't you love what music can do?  I use music all the time with my boys.  It's perfect for getting attention, calming, focusing, or having fun with.

This CD also makes the perfect baby shower gift!  Something a little different, but really useful.  

Thanks so much for stopping by!  I hope you found a little something worth your time.

Linking up to these parties & Savvy Southern Style.
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