December 18, 2012

Chocolate Dipped Orange Slices

We're down to the week before Christmas (yikes!  I'm not quite ready).  Do you need a yummy, quick, and easy neighbor/teacher gift?  Well, these fit the bill.  My family used to make these all of the time.  You could really make them any time of the year, but chocolate and orange are definitely Christmas flavors for me. 

milk chocolate chips
candy orange slices

Simply melt the chocolate chips (I added a drop of cooking oil to them as well) in a microwave safe bowl for 30 seconds. Take the chocolate chips out, stir, and melt again for 30 seconds.  The chocolate chips should be completely melted by now.  If not, just repeat until melted and smooth.
Dip the orange slices into the chocolate.  I only dip half of the orange slice, but you can dip as little or as much as you'd like.  Allow to harden on a piece of wax paper. 

It doesn't get much easier than that.  Does it?  We made a batch of these today to take to some friends and my boys were devastated that they only got to sample one each.  We are headed to the store tomorrow to get a new bag of orange slices so my boys can have a "whole batch to themselves".  :)
I'm going to try to post my quotes every Tuesday (we'll see if I can remember that), so here's your Tuesday Quote for this week.  

Linking to these parties & Savvy Southern Style.
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  1. ok, now THAT is a good idea! looks deelish!

  2. This looks wonderful! My great-grandpa who passed in 1992 used to always give us those orange slices at Christmas-time. I think covered in chocolate makes them look even better and would be a great Christmas gift!

  3. Hi Brooke! These look delicious... love how you only dipped half of the slice so you can still see the sugary orange part. Have a great day! :)

  4. Ummmm...WOW! These look dangerous!

  5. Oh, these look so delicious and easy to make too! Yum.

  6. I love it!
    Great idea.

    Alicia at

  7. Great and a simple idea!


  8. Great idea and so easy! Thanks for sharing on Foodie Friends Friday. Please come back Sunday to vote.

  9. What a great idea! I would love if you would share on Fall Into the Holidays, open now through Thursday-

    Katie @ Horrific Knits

  10. YUMMY! Why spend the money for fancy ones when you can make them?!

  11. These look fantastic!!!! They look delicious AND so pretty too! Merry Christmas!

  12. Talk about easy! I'm actually in a hurry to get something to take to a sister cookie/treat exchange! Looks like these are coming with me!


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